Rules of Use
(Application of Rules)
- Article 1
- Those who use the facilities of this club, regardless of whether they are members or non-members, will use it in accordance with these rules, the rules of this club, and the golf rules established by JGA.
(Agreement of Use)
- Article 2
- To use the facilities of this club, please sign your name on the prescribed form at the reception desk on the day of the event.
(Refusal of Use)
- Article 3
- The Club may refuse the use of the facilities in the following cases:
- 1. When the application for use violates the regulations of the club.
- 2. When the facility is closed due to natural disasters, weather, or other unavoidable causes.
- 3. When it is recognized that the user is likely to disrupt public order or good morals.
- 4. To members or affiliated entities of designated organized crime groups, or equivalent organized crime groups, or other anti-social forces (including cases recognized by the Club as equivalent thereto). Also, when it is recognized that the applicant wears a tattoo that reveals affiliation to the above.
- 5. In addition, when it is recognized that the attire, manners, conduct, etc. violates the rules of this Club or does not conform to the standards of the Club.
(Refusal to Continue Use)
- Article 4
- The Club may refuse to continue the use of the facilities if the user falls under any of the following standards. Those who are refused to continue using the facilities must promptly stop and leave immediately.
- 1. When the user disrupts public order or good morals.
- 2. When gambling or conduct other acts that disturb public morals.
- 3. When disobeying the instructions and precautions made by the course patrol officers, caddies, or other staff members of this Club.
- 4. When found selling, advertising, or marketing goods without the Club’s permission.
- 5. When a person related to the user enters the facility without permission.
- 6. When the user’s skills are so poor that it may interfere with or annoy the others who are playing.
- 7. When the user violates the rules, etiquette and manners of golf.
- 8. When the user causes trouble or discomfort to others.
- 9. When photographs, videos, movies, and other visuals are taken, recorded, etc. without the permission of this Club.
- 10. When the Club determines that the user is a member or a related individual of a designated organized crime group or an equivalent organized crime group or other anti-social forces (including cases where the Club recognizes that the user is equivalent to the above). Also, when the Club recognizes that the user wears a tattoo that reveals affiliation to the above.
- 11. When the user violates these Rules and other rules of the Club.
(Compliance with Etiquette and Manners)
- Article 5
- Within the facilities of this Club, you must comply to the rules, etiquette, manners, and to the following standards of the Club. You may be asked to leave immediately upon violation of these rules.
- 1. Dress tastefully and play with dignity that is appropriate as a golfer.
- 2. Do not arrive at the venue wearing golf shoes or footwear other than shoes.
- 3. As a precautionary measure, wear a hat on the course. We also request that you remove your hat inside the club house.
- 4. On the course, regardless of the caddie’s signal or advice, you must play at your own risk, and you must be especially careful not to hit into the group ahead.
- 5. Do not play slowly or engage in any act that causes slow play.
- 6. Great care must always be taken not to hit into the group ahead, nor into the adjacent holes, and beyond the club grounds. In the unlikely event that you hit into an adjacent hole, immediately warn the players on that hole, apologize when approaching your ball, and do not interfere with their play when hitting your ball back on course.
- 7. When hitting beyond the premises of this club, immediately go to the site to check whether an accident has occurred, and promptly contact the manager of the club, regardless of whether an accident has occurred or not.
- 8. Leave the green immediately after you hole out, and do not write your score while still on the green.
- 9. Dispose any litter in the designated trash basket.
- 10. On the premises of this club, fire must not be used anywhere other than the designated areas. Cigarette butts must be disposed in the ashtray after completely being extinguished and never littered on the course.
(Use of Golf Carts)
- Article 6
- When using a golf cart, please follow the separately stipulated Golf Cart Usage Guidelines.
(Theft / Loss)
- Article 7
- The Club is not responsible for theft, loss, damage, etc. of personal belongings in the club, items stored in locker, and car.
(Liability in Case of Violation)
- Article 8
- Even if the user violates the rules and causes an accident, self-injury or harm to others, this club will not be liable for compensation.
(Checking Your Clubs after Playing)
- Article 9
- Immediately after the end of the play, the user must check one’s clubs to avoid any mistakes and sign the confirmation form.
(Handling of Delivery Services)
- Article 10
- This club is not responsible for insufficient quantity, damage, theft, etc. of goods entrusted to the courier.
(Storage of lost items)
- Article 11
- Lost items at this club shall be kept for six months from the date of discovery, and if the owner can show proof of ownership, the items shall be handed over.
(Liability for Damages)
- Article 12
- If the user intentionally or negligently causes damage to an employee, a third party of this club, or the facilities of this club, the user must compensate. The member(s) hosting the user must jointly guarantee that the user fulfills the obligations.
(Prohibited Items Brought In or Used)
- Article 13
- This club prohibits bringing in and using the following items:
- 1. Guns and swords
- 2. Pets such as animals and birds
- 3. Items that may ignite or explode
- 4. Toxic substances, substances that generate noise and offensive odors
- 5. Items of significantly high value, precious metals, large amounts of cash, etc.
- 6. Other items that are considered inappropriate to be brought into this club
(Application of Club Rules)
- Article 14
- A separate stipulation of rules, regulations, resolutions, decisions, etc. of this club will apply for matters not stipulated above.
- Established on March 12, 1997
- Revised on April 7, 2015
- Revised on October 1, 2015
Kasumigaseki Country Club