Kasumigaseki Country Club

  • Japanese Site



Location/phone number

General Incorporated Association Kasumigaseki Country Club

Post Code 350-1175
3398 Kasahata, Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture Access
Tel: (049)231-2181 (main phone number)
Fax: (049)231-4528

2024 Club House opening and closing time
Date Open Closed
 January 2 & 3 7:45 18:00
 January 6th ~ February 29th (Weekdays) 7:45
(Sat, Sun, Holiday) 7:15
 Mar 1 ~ Dec 20 7:15
 December 21 ~ December 29 (Weekdays) 7:45
(Sat, Sun, Holiday) 7:15

For Guests
Guest bookings

We welcome guests to play at Kasumigaseki Country Club and expect our guests to follow our regulations that govern guest play: Reservations must be made by a host member who will also be required to accompany the play. (For plays on weekdays, a letter of introduction as a referral by a member is also possible.)

Day of the week Conditions, etc. Open for booking
Weekdays Up to 11 guests per member and need to be accompanied by a member or have a letter of introduction 3 months prior to the play day
Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Up to 3 guests per member and must be accompanied by a member 2 months prior to the play day
Competitions Must be accompanied by a member Competitions are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. 6 months prior to the play day

Every Monday, December 31st, and January 1st are regular holidays of the club.