Kasumigaseki Country Club

  • Japanese Site

The Club Life

The Club Life

Good Fellowship

Club bulletin Fairway Volume, 1 No. 1 (1930)

The Three Axioms of Kasumigaseki C.C.

  • Members should treat one another as family.
  • Fair play transcends ability.
  • Treat the course with respect.
supervise a translation
Marsha Krakower
University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
a professor emerita

“Good Fellowship” has been the motto of K.C.C. since its founding.

The promotion of “Good Fellowship” has been the motto since its founding. Greetings, cooperation and service for club management, recognize all members are equal friends, respect for the elderly, consideration for others, demonstrating the spirit of golf, play fast, coexistence and co-prosperity with the local community, etc. are all inclusive.